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Check out the research happening at JFC!

McCreary, C, Savani, S., Cloy, J. Expanding Access: The Jackson Free Clinic's Mobile Clinic Model and Patient Needs Assessment. Rural Medicine Education Symposium; Jackson, MS. February 2024.
Evans, K, Momah, T. Ogunboye, I. Obesity Prevalence in a Student Run Medical Clinic. ObesityWeek. October 2023.
Doherty, C., Wall, P., Zhang, W., Penman, A. Social prescribing at the Jackson Free Clinic. JFC Research Symposium. Jackson, MS, March 9, 2023.
Savani, S. Penman, A. Integrating Social Health Services into a Student-Run Free Clinic. Jackson Free Clinic Research Symposium; Jackson, MS. March 2023.
Norton, H. Savani, S. Tonore, T. Expanding Jackson Free Clinic Outreach to Rural Sites. Rural Medicine Education Symposium; Jackson, MS. February 2023.
Hohl, M. Dodd, J. Pittman, S. Addressing Vaccine Inequity in the Rural Hispanic Population of Mississippi. Rural Medicine Education Symposium; Jackson, MS. February 2022.
Herzberg, S. Hohl, M. Dodd, J. Pittman, S. Miller, R. A Tale of Two Clinics: Comparing Outcomes at Two Student Run Free Clinics with Different Models of Care. Society of Student Run Free Clinics Annual Conference; 2020.
Hohl M, Dodd J, Pittman S. Evaluation of Hypertension, Hyperlipidemia, and Diabetes Management at a Student-Run Free Clinic. JMSMA. Published online October 23, 2023.
Hohl M, Dodd J, Penman A. A Retrospective Review of the Patient Population served by the Jackson Free Clinic, a Student-run Free Clinic in Jackson, Mississippi. J Health Care Poor Underserved. 2022;33(1):362-373. doi: 10.1353/hpu.2022.0027. PMID: 35153226.
Clark JS, Bollaert A, Sills SO, Clark JH, Norris D. Patient perception of care received by students at the Jackson Free Clinic. J Miss State Med Assoc. 2014 Apr;55(4):113-8. PMID: 24979938.

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